Club 50+ / La démence: une fatalité de la vieillesse?

* Activity in French * En partenariat avec RésoSanté C.-B. Le déclin cognitif est-il inévitable avec le vieillissement? Est-il possible de mettre en place des stratégies pour garder son cerveau en santé? Pour avoir des réponses à ces questions, participez à la rediffusion du webinaire animé par Aline Moussard, neuropsychologue et gestionnaire de projets de recherche, La...Continue reading

Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day

Come celebrate Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day in person with us! We invite you to celebrate the richness of the French language and culture in a convivial moment of Francophone music at the SFM (938 Brunette Avenue, Suite 200 Coquitlam, BC, V3K 1C9) on Friday June 24th from 5 PM to 8 PM!. The group EachOther will play...

SFM is hiring French summer camp team!

Société francophone de Maillardville is hiring a motivated and dynamic team to work for our summer camp in French, which will take place from July 4 to August 26, at the Pionniers-de-Maillardville school in Port Coquitlam: – 1 Cultural and Youth Programs Officer – 1 Camp coordinator – 4 Camp counsellor >>> Candidates must be...


We are very proud to announce the return of the Festival du Bois in person! Join us at Mackin Park from April 1st to 3rd to enjoy folk, roots, world and Québécois music from Canada and beyond. As always, there will be a wide variety of engaging entertainment especially for kids and families, workshops, fabulous...Continue reading

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