Geocaching in Maillardville

What is Geocaching? 

Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting game using a GPS application found on smartphones. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocaches (containers) hidden at that location.

How does it work?

  • Rendez-vous on to find out more about geocaching, learn the rules and register (for free).
  • When you are ready, download the application Geocaching on your smarphone (available on iPhone and Android). Enter your username and password or if you haven’t done it yet, sign up for free.
  • Click on “map” then on the research icon on the left corner of your screen. To find out our 12 geocaches, enter the logs (GPS data – See below). For each one of them you will find a surprise and tips about the Francophone history of Maillardville (both French and English).
  • Get ready and go to the place indicated on your map to find geocaches. Start the quest alone or with your loved ones. This activity is available all year long.
  • Don’t forget to share your experience on the application and our social media platforms!

Geocaches in Maillardville 

Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

Click on the links to learn about the historical connection each cache has to Maillardville. Documents are in French on the first page and English on the second.

  1. Les origines de Maillardville| GC6BMNH | Maillardville’s origins
  2. Les premiers francophones en Colombie-Britannique| GC6BMP7 | First Francophone people in British Columbia
  3. Sur les pas des pionniers| GC6BMQC | On the pioneers’ steps
  4. Maillardville une communauté florissante| GC6BMRO | Maillardville: a blossoming community
  5. Une solidarité entre travailleurs| GC6BNBB | Workers solidarity
  6. La grève de 1931 à Fraser Mills| GC6BMRD | 1931 Fraser Mills strike
  7. Afflux des Prairies| GC6BNAB | A wave of migration from the Prairies
  8. La grève des écoles en 1951| GC6BNAJ | 1951 school strike
  9. Préserver l’héritage francophone| GC6BMRW | Preserving the Francophone heritage
  10. Henry Mackin| GC6BMN6 | Henry Mackin
  11. Nouveaux horizons pour la francophonie| GC6BNB2 | Francophone community new horizons
  12. Le français à Maillardville| GC6BNAW | French language in Maillardville


Participant 1: “Found while attending the CITO event. It is always easier to find a cache when a group of people are looking. We ended up on the wrong side of the creek but managed to sign the log without getting wet. Thanks for adding to our fun for the day.”

Participant 2: “Spotted this one after taking in the beautiful view from near ground zero. Found the cache and signed the log. Thanks for showing me such a pretty view. TFTC.”

Participant 3: “Quick find after waiting out expected muggles on this beautiful day! Thanks for another history lesson and cache!”