
We are always looking for dynamic, dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers who would like to help us with services and programs we run throughout the year.

By joining the team, you will be able to take part of the following events:

  • Le Festival du Bois
  • La Saint-Jean-Baptiste
  • The French Summer camp
  • Canada Day – La journée nationale du Canada
  • La Fête de Maillardville
  • Culture Days – Les journées de la culture
  • Beaujolais Nouveau
  • Holiday Christmas Celebration – Fête de Noël

And more…

Interested? Please fill in the form below and make sure to check the “Yes” box in the section “Do you want to be a volunteer for the SFM?”. One of the many benefits of being a volunteer with the SFM is that you get a free individual membership as long as you participate as a volunteer at least once a year!

(A volunteer form will be added soon . . .)

If you want to volunteer at the French Summer Camp, please fill in this form. Thank you!

If you want to volunteer for the Festival du Bois, fill in the form here.